Quantity or Quality

Some comments on last week's post about the GREAT Gabriele D'Annunzio, pushed me to give some clarification, to make understandable a cosmological background, for many impossible and unknown, but that for others may be clarified only a little.

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alessandra quattordio
Treat yourself to the poetry of habit

I quote verbatim the novel I'm reading that talks about a couple experiencing a "crisis":
"Yet we all had the magical period, we rejoiced and suffered with butterflies in the stomach .... Then came marriage, cohabitation, habits. It is difficult to be poetic when you're confronted with habits ... Because there's nothing worse than a flat everyday life."

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alessandra quattordio
The Gift

With Christmas approaching, I'd like to share a few thoughts on the spirit of the Gift.
We live in a society that exalts independence and individualism. The integrated Sapiens into today's society refuses duties, does not like social bonding, thinks only in terms of selfish gain, does not understand gratitude, suffers from pathological narcissism and is therefore unable to love.

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alessandra quattordio
Sky, Earth and Home

These are the three existential levels that you need to nourish daily.
The Sky represents the unknown, the divine, esotericism and magic. It means honouring the mystery that envelopes the reason for existence and trying to understand it experientially through meditation, prayer and whatever modality allows to perceive this connection.

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alessandra quattordio

From a Christian point of view, God is certainly dead. His church has totally abdicated its own values. The prevailing religion today is that of a nihilistic God, the religion of Nothingness, served in libertarian feel-good sauce with lots of rainbow colors. Some call all this, progress or evolution, as if there were something good in this destructive drift of all value.

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alessandra quattordio
Virtue, not calm

The small parallel world of which I am a part is based on a fundamental misunderstanding. The "small world" I refer to I could call it "yogic" or "new age". The name doesn't matter. I want to point out that, like all worlds, it has things that I like, such as the revaluation of the esoteric way and magic, and others which in contrast I find horrible and that are mostly the trivializing and superficial approach to esotericism and magic. But we know that "shallowness" is a bit the evil of the century and is not the point of this post.

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alessandra quattordio
Positive Thinking is utter BS!

When we chat at the bar in Cascina Bellaria I am often accused of being pessimistic because I am convinced of a totalitarian, liberticidal and in a certain sense catastrophic drift of our society. Someone urged me to adopt "positive thinking".

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alessandra quattordio
Pacifism is a disease

Am I pro-war? Obviously not, but I'm aware that pacifism is a mental utopism that does not exist in nature and pursuing it does nothing but create weakness and stagnation and therefore more submission, weakness, numbness, until it expresses itself in a creeping tyranny.

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alessandra quattordio
Do you want to be a happy Yoga Teacher?

If the answer is yes, the first thing to do is forget to picture yourself spending most time of your day teaching Yoga. Specialists, like "I'm a Yoga teacher only and someone else can take care of the rest", are actually little slaves who work convinced that one day they ae going to achieve independence and autonomy that, in fact, they will never achieve.

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alessandra quattordio
Ascetic heroism

In today's society, freedom is often mistaken with liberalism. You manipulate people into believing that the purpose to be pursued in life is to live in a comfort zone, do as little as possible, earn as much money as possible, be free to go where you want, be "viewed", replace friends and partners as if they were objects until you are "free" to change gender at will.

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alessandra quattordio
Total Power

With this post I just want to raise the "hand" with humility and ask you if really this universalism and individualism favored by the fall of every identity is not instead a chasm that is leading us towards an absolute and dystopian power.

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alessandra quattordio
Legitimate Discrimination

The horrifying "do-gooder" thought has turned the term "discrimination" into a "Bad" word. The one who discriminates is considered a despicable being with the clear result of an ethical and intellectual flattening downwards.

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alessandra quattordio
You don't owe THEM any explanation

To those you perceive as DIFFERENT from you, to those who are not part of your circle of friends and by friends I mean people who are willing to come to your house to bring you a hot soup if you need it (nothing to do with "virtual" friends) you NEVER owe any explanation.

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alessandra quattordio
Them and us

Lately I have been interested in the various dynamics and ideologies of the community. There are obviously many interesting themes but what attracts me at the moment is the very root of the community idea or " Them and Us ".

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alessandra quattordio
Piece of cake

I take my cue from the title of a very nice book which I recommend you read. The book is written by Enrico Ruggeri for whom I have no interest as a singer but whom I greatly appreciate as a writer.

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alessandra quattordio
Disposable world

At an ever-increasing speed, totally unaware, we have fallen into the bleakest nihilism. There are no more diversified cultures but a single narcissistic culture with different variations. It is not necessary to commit to making a love or friendship relationship work, as anyone can be replaced in a few "clicks".

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alessandra quattordio