Do you want to be a happy Yoga Teacher?
If the answer is yes, the first thing to do is forget to picture yourself spending most time of your day teaching Yoga.
Specialists, like "I'm a Yoga teacher only and someone else can take care of the rest", are actually little slaves who work convinced that one day they ae going to achieve independence and autonomy that, in fact, they will never achieve.
The successful Yoga teacher, and therefore happy with his life, knows how to teach other things that are not just Yoga.
He knows how to do a minimum of accounting, he knows how to tell stories that help to sell his classes better and at the same time make them more interesting and compelling. The happy Yoga teacher is interested in the philosophy that helps him to better understand the space in which he lives and how to be able to find harmony with it.
The key element is to remember that a yoga teacher does not teach to reach fame and success and that at the core of his classes students always come first.