
From a Christian point of view, God is certainly dead. His church has totally abdicated its own values. The prevailing religion today is that of a nihilistic God, the religion of Nothingness, served in libertarian feel-good sauce with lots of rainbow colors. Some call all this, progress or evolution, as if there were something good in this destructive drift of all value. They say that this is the best possible society, the triumph of "freedom" where everyone is free to feel what they wants, totally homologated to all others without barriers of sex or religion, without races, merits or diversity. What they "sell" as good and right is actually a technocratic scientist monster.

You must rebel and your rebellion must first be personal. The social experiment of the last two years has fully succeeded, if you believe that it was a parenthesis, you are wrong because it is the new reality. The means capable of measuring "social credit" and prying on your most intimate life, including thoughts, already exist and in a short time it will become a "just" social means to control your good behavior and prevent deviances.

This present of ours, as oppressive as it may seem, is actually a great opportunity to understand and "see". It is a great opportunity for personal growth and understanding.

I suggest a Jungerian "passage to the woods" if possible, not an ascetic one but a rather communitarian one. A radical rejection of the society in which you live, of its "non-values" and its attempt to flatten. A return to the religion of the ancestors where the sun, mountains, rivers, storms and animals are symbolic totems representing a sacredness and a magic that escapes our small possibilities of understanding.

A sort of going back to paganism, to small clans, tribes, communities, life in harmony with nature. It is advisable that you go to your "home" before it is too late and you can no longer find the way.


alessandra quattordio