The Gift

With Christmas approaching, I'd like to share a few thoughts on the spirit of the Gift.

We live in a society that exalts independence and individualism. The integrated Sapiens into today's society refuses duties, does not like social bonding, thinks only in terms of selfish gain, does not understand gratitude, suffers from pathological narcissism and is therefore unable to love.

The gift triggers a bond. The gratitude that moves in the person who receives, creates the need for reciprocity and mutuality. These thin threads that the gesture of gift generates and moves are what welds and acts as a glue to the community.

The Gift doesn't need to be material. It can be an invitation, a word of comfort, a gesture. Individualist do-goodism wants you to be kind towards the needy stranger, well,  I invite you to give to the people who are close to you, who have a face and a name and have some role in your life and who therefore can, if they wish, express their gratitude. Within the universalist and moralistic delirium at low cost, we forget more and more about our neighbours, our community until we forget the person who is closest to us ever. I invite you to donate to those who can bring you a hot soup when you're feeling poorly or a cold beer when you want to cry and / or laugh together.


alessandra quattordio