Disconnect from reality

In the past week I have seen the Liberation Day's celebrations that happened almost eighty years ago. Almost everyone who celebrated, and I am in favour of every party and gathering, does not have an experiential knowledge of the matter, they celebrate an event that they haven't known first hand.

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alessandra quattordio
Crazy Life

I know, being at home in front of a screen is convenient and makes you feel "safe". For education you can stay in the comfort of your home, in front of your computer screen, you can wear just pajamas, take as many breaks as you want, poke your nose or whatever. You may also record the class and think about it when you feel like it or when you think it's the right time.

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alessandra quattordio
The Senseless Challenge

Religion and spirituality, two categories that may sometimes coincide, are linked to each other by a hypothesis that probably does not make sense and that is the basis of their mission. The hypothesis is that there is a soul or a real self, a nucleus within the human being that we can consider our real identity and that most likely does not exist.

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alessandra quattordio
Remote connections… Why is practicing in the shala a different experience? A hypothesis from Neuroscience

Have you ever noticed that when we spend time with people from another Country, or even another county, our accent changes? Have you ever heard that, after living together for a long time, a couple becomes more alike? These stories of basic psychology are nothing but examples of how people, while interacting with each other, begin to adopt mirroring mechanisms in an unconscious way.

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alessandra quattordio
Creating Well-being

What does it mean to create well-being? It means so many things, all of them equally relevant. First of all, it means to create a situation of well-being for yourself. Trying to build a fulfilling life that is jam-packed with so many joyful moments.

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alessandra quattordio
The sense of deep self-healing

When you have the urge to harm someone, when you can't help but notice a sneaky inconfessable satisfaction in bad-mouthing someone, or hearing others do it, you're actually the first victim. The pain has already affected you and is part of you.

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alessandra quattordio
Is information the real Power?

If I was to give an answer on the spot, I would immediately say 'yes'. However, I propose a broader consideration: if you have a business that sells products, information is certainly crucial. The more you get into the lives of your potential customers, the better.

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alessandra quattordio

The quadrupeds, ground movements, crawling, are the foundations of human movement. These movements are the first that the child acquires, then learns to climb to an upright position, and finally learns to walk.

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alessandra quattordio
Three is the magic number

With the raising trend of “social media yoga” full of yoga challenges and asana that resemble more a contorsionist performance than anything else, the asana known as trikonasana (triangle pose) is a little bit like the yogic equivalent of the “girl-next-door”: too simple uh?

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alessandra quattordio

In this era of specializations and divisions aimed at making the human being a little ignorant tool, I would like to spend a few lines to swim against the tide. The intent of our school today is to oppose ignorance and division.

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alessandra quattordio

It's raining. It's cold and nothing makes me want to put my running shoes on and get out. I decide go anyway and while I'm putting on a windbreaker, the zipper breaks. Here's another clear signal telling me to leave it, maybe tomorrow it's going to be sunny and I won't need this useless jacket. 

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alessandra quattordio