What is true meditation? What does meditating mean and why we should all do it?
True meditation is a state of presence. It's not a means to find something, it's more aimless research. Goals pollute research, creates an idea of a false harbour, puts the emphasis on some arrival that does not actually exist, causing the true value of the way to be lost.
True meditation therefore has nothing to do with religion, or with New Age by-products of religion. Religion imposes a goal more or less explicitly, telling you what you should find.
Through meditation you do not walk a path, you rather create it with every step. When you turn around, your footsteps have disappeared, the way disappears behind you and what remains are only footprints within your mind, that is, fleeting reminiscences of reality. In fact the way itself does not exist, also a hypothesis, in true meditation there is only NOW, with an abyss behind and one right in front of you.
The practice of meditation is a special moment devoted to training meditative ability, but it is not true meditation. Don't get me wrong, these are very important moments and must be nourished. When you decide to train to meditate, I recommend sitting with your eyes closed without looking for anything, simply observing the natural activity of your "mind". The thoughts that arise and vanish. Do not feed them and do not suppress them. Observe what's happening, feel like an explorer of an unknown land, because you are in all respects. What you see is what you only can see, it exists because you're watching.
When you describe it you fake it but, if you are accurate and disciplined, you train an approach that helps you in any context of your life. Training for "meditating" means training the possibility of fatuous sprockets of an authentic life. You will have more mind clarity in making decisions, you will be surprised to notice that you do without thinking about it, in tune with the present. Thanks to meditative practice, the present moment is filled with many small details, invisible to the superficial normal unconsciousness. When you enjoy a beer, you appreciate it infinitely more because you will feel its scent and nuances in taste, you will discover the beauty of the little things that you used to miss, making love to someone will be a different experience, you will perhaps even be able to listen to someone talking without feeling the need to say something.
Amazing!! If you practice with these goals in mind, you will probably struggle to achieve them. I advise you to practice and do everything, for the simple pleasure of doing it.
True meditation is the essence of life itself, that is, an ephemeral rooting in the NOW.