Only doubt can save you
I do not believe that there is any hope that concerns the evolution of the human being's conscience as a whole. In all eras, up to and including today, humanity consists, for the vast majority, of people utterly dependent on the mercy of the biological machine (body/mind) and a very low percentage of people who, albeit with all the faults and falls, have an occasionally autonomous consciousness. Obviously there are a thousand shades in between. The former believe that they think with "their head" yet do nothing but repeat the catchphrases of the dominant "thought" while remaining fully enslaved by an infinite series of simple stimulus such as response-reactions. Others, while wandering, sometimes fall into the slavery of the former but retain that light that I'd call intellectual doubt which drives them to research. This period has carved an even larger chasm between each other.
If you want to belong to the faction of those who hold at least an ephemeral hope of free will and freedom, the only way is to constantly question who you are, where you come from, where you want to go, why you are here, where your thoughts and ideas come from, the foundations of existence itself and to keep looking for answers that you will never find.