Tapas Bar

The first 2 of the 8 steps of Ashtanga as defined by Patanjali are Yamas and Nyamas and enclose the ethics and the correct lifestyle to follow when deciding to undertake the path of Yoga in a more or less serious way. These are not esoteric indications particularly difficult to obtain, but you have to commit a little ' to understand really their meaning.

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The most beautiful party

Hari-Om is a little bit more than a Yoga school specialized in teacher training, in truth, it’s more like a big, extended tribe , made of individuals connected by a similar and out of the ordinary approach to life in general.

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alessandra quattordio
Spring Cleaning

Spring is on its way and with it, here come an army of good intentions to face the transition from winter to summer in the best possible way, even if all you want to do is take naps when you’re not going around sporting a big red bulge instead of your nose and teary eyes, thanks to pollen allergies.

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Miss Divelta
Yoga practice for seniors

As we grow older, we progressively lose the ability to concentrate and focus. The body loses its ability to move because the muscles have less tone and the joints become less flexible. The balance becomes more precarious.

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Miss Divelta
New Moon rising

Welcoming a new Moon is like starting the life cycle again. Every month the Moon rises,wanes and disappears, this endless cycle makes the Moon the “queen” of renewal and regeneration because its death is never permanent, the Moon always resurrects. These features make the moon, the symbol of transformation and growth.

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alessandra quattordio
What is Pregnancy Yoga

If there is a powerful practice on all levels, physical and mental, yoga is the discipline that catapults us into ourselves. Therefore, yoga practiced during pregnancy becomes even more enlightening. In the gestation period, the sensitivity in women increases considerably, as if instinct and intuition were more enhanced.

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alessandra quattordio
Upside Down

Inverted positions in Yoga

How many of you started practicing yoga after seeing a picture of someone doing a headstand (Sirsasana) or handstand (Adho Mukha Vrksasana),  fascinated by the balance and focus of those practicing them? And how often, at the very introduction of a beginner’s course, yoga teachers are asked by students if they’re going to teach them to go upside down?

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alessandra quattordio
Teaching yoga: everything you need to know

In the last few years, teaching yoga has become an ever growing trend, so much so that sooner or later there will be only teachers and no students! Just kidding of course, usually a good percentage of people who sign up to Yoga Teacher Training simply wish to improve their practice and maybe teach to family and friends.

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alessandra quattordio
The Loot

It’s almost impossible to grab the whole loot, there’s always someone stealing the Gioconda from your bag, leaving you speechless and stunned like a fish on a Big Mac hook. A plastic one.

Oh Well. This is how it is. The beneficial effect of NYE spent at Cascina Bellaria got stuck in my heart.

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Francesca Cattani
End of a blog

Today is the first day of our winter opening and I'm happy to start this new adventure with a group of 200 hour training members more numerous than the previous years.

We’re approaching the end of the year and many things change and evolve and quite rightly so. For a while 'I had the pleasure of writing about what I liked and was using the school’s social network to do it but this is the last "post".

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Marco Mandrino
Yoga 4 Money

Of course, poverty is rather an illness than bad luck, for which you are responsible in the first place and that surely you must cure.

The topic is never discussed much during Yoga workshops although the money inflow and outflow is as much a crucial aspect of living well and in harmony as the study of Patanjali’s Sutra, of Gita and of the good energy flow  through Mudra and Pranayama.

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Marco Mandrino
Science, Religion and Truth

What is astonishing in the human being is the "acceptance" of these fairy-tales as real, basing their lives on them, making them (their lives) so miserable and expecting others to also accept them, thus infecting other people's lives with their own ignorance.

There is a whole host of ignorant people who believe that science is above the parts and therefore truthful.

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Marco Mandrino
Words, silence and communicating

I wonder if there is really a need for this constant noise. Do we really have to talk for hours without saying nothing?

I always thought that words were important and in a way, I still think so. I believe communication is fundamental to understand and to be understood by the surrounding world. Yet lately my thought has changed.

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Susan Ostano
The Silence (aka: The Long Ride)

Written words are always sort of sleazy, once read they tend to dissolve in ether, at the most just remaining as distorted and far away echoes promptly absorbed by the immeasurable cosmic ear.

Most probably, being less obtuse and square than what I’m, an article or novel with such a title would never be published or proposed; the “dream story”, indeed, of many non-authors (as I’m): “The Long Ride”.

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Massimo Monti
Pain, choosing to suffer and the recipe for a better living

We suffer when the mind story that we live only within our psyche deviates from reality.

Pain, both physical and mental, simply happens beyond our will. The body gets sick, we get injured, a dear friend dies. We cannot do anything about it. Suffering is very different thing and only when one is lying between the coils of ignorance it gets mistaken for pain: suffering does not happen; one chooses to suffer, mostly unconsciously.

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Marco Mandrino
The books and the journey – part 2

The books to bring on a trip are one of the ways to stay on the journey. Accounts that show other people’s outlook on stories near or far, they become magnifying lenses on the present. 

Squeezing through bodies and objects in the souks is a challenge. The sandals are dirty with mud and organic residues and the skin impregnated with strong, sweetish or savory scents.

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Emanuela Genesio
Obstacles, problems and that marvelous thing called LIFE

Enraptured by the adrenaline of the moment and the beauty of the landscape we stop the car and dance in the middle of the road with the moths that seem to dance with us, drugged by the lights of the car headlights.

I landed in the US with Emanuela, in Portland, Oregon on September 22nd. I had picked a nice place called Austin (not the one in Texas) as the first stop on our trip, a village of 200 inhabitants near the mountains of Toiyabe in Nevada, which I knew about through a novel by Don Winslow and that fascinated me for its beauty and its desolation.

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Marco Mandrino
The books and the journey

Almost never have I bought a book by chance that I did not like the editorial project or, at least, the cover image. Sometimes I was disappointed, but less than what statistics could confirm.

Meknes’ Medina, part of the poorer market. I'm looking for a book.

Any book, I tell myself, as long as it allows me to have something to read during the long journeys on public transport from one place to the other and in the evening, after walking all day in the African sun.

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Emanuela Genesio
Maya-Land, the Ephemeral Small Country

I left early the “Small Country”, just because I felt suffocated and constricted, even though I soon discovered that any “Country” defined as such, has its own limits. 

I was born and raised in a part of this planet called Italy.
I bear a Passport issued by the so called “Italian Republic”.
I’m therefore considered an “Italian Citizen”, at least according to the actual denominational system even though I never fully understood what it really means.

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Massimo Monti