Entertainment is an integral part of the plan of numbing our consciousness. We get excited by the heroic deeds of the main characters of the TV series, we rejoice in their love affairs and are saddened by their traumas. We make our senses numb through the useless chatter heard like a rosary of some reality show.
Read MoreIn some parts of the world currently and everywhere else until relatively few years ago (roughly a couple of centuries), free thinking and dissent was not allowed and would be repressed by force. It was not possible to challenge social and religious dogmas. In other words, you could not disagree without risking your life.
Read MoreThe understanding of ethical choice is what distinguishes the conscious human being from a simple biological mechanism. The one who is able to recognize it is Nietzsche's "beyond-man" is the one who stands above the flock simply because he is not part of it.
Read MoreMy generation has experienced the rise. The financial prosperity, the ever faster change and the adrenaline that it entails, the promise of an increasingly simple, beautiful, comfortable and fun-filled future. We are so lazy on average. We have become soft, mentally and physically spineless.
Read MoreEvery year more or less at this time, I physically distance myself from Cascina Bellaria and I take the opportunity to look at everything with a little more detachment, in order to focus ideally on the direction to take, thus avoiding being at the total mercy of events and small or big daily tasks.
Read More"Have you ever seen a bat or a sloth with osteoarthritis? Of course not, because they spend their lives upside down”. This is one of the first stories I came across while preparing for this month's article, and I was already imagining catchy and sensational titles. But… forget it: the fact actually seems to be an urban myth (no kidding!).
Read MoreObscurantism reigns through fear. The agenda is clear and very simple. The goal is always power but brought to a higher level through the manic control that digitization allows.
Read MoreIn the previous editorials we learnt how the practice of yoga is associated with an increase of brain volume in some specific areas. However, today we will talk about an area that is much smaller than the norm... Don't worry, actually this feature seems to be quite advantageous, but let's start with the necessary introductions.
Read MoreDespite the media terrorism continuing undeterred its fuss on the great dangers of one of the many possible variants, there are those who, fortunately, still equipped with neurons not totally dormant, are beginning to doubt the pandemic narrative.
Read MoreI express my full support to doctors, nurses and all health personnel who refuse to be vaccinated. They see their fundamental rights concerning their health and freedom of thought. Their opposition is my opposition and it should also be yours.
Read MoreNow it's normal to talk about the vaccine as if it was a new cell phone model. I hear people talking about it and I feel like an alien. It has even become "in" to post on your FB profile nonsense such as "I got vaxxed" as like for many other occasions, the best answer would be "who cares".
Read MoreThere are fourteen yogis and fourteen non-practitioners who dunk their hands in the freezing water... It seems like the beginning of a joke, and instead it is nothing more than a scientific experiment by a group of Canadian fellow researchers who wanted to investigate the relationship between yoga practice and pain perception.
Read MoreBeing "Covid Free" means having your mind cleared of reflected clouds of a year and six months of media terrorism and public-health regime.
Read MoreI believe that freedom as well as balance are mental spaces that must be constantly pursued, knowing that they can never be fully achieved.
Read MoreI would like to say that the label "master" is really strong and out of place. We yoga teachers, or various other arts of the movement, are only teachers or if you prefer instructors. However, our mission goes far beyond technique.
Read MoreIt's a historic moment for psychoactive drugs. The therapeutic effects are finally being made legal and the US is preparing to legalise LSD at least for therapeutic purposes, with Oregon already moving forward.
Read MoreI'd like to begin this editorial by saying that I am not trying to depress you, though I hope that sooner or later Italians will smarten up and understand the mistake of having given away our freedom and above all they will do everything possible to reclaim it.
Read MoreOne of the greatest ignorances that I come across nowadays in the sharing of philosophy and knowledge linked to "spiritual" and scientific traditions, which revolve around self-consciousness and consciousness in the broadest sense, are the false mythological expectations disseminated by supposedly Enlightened Grandmasters of the past.
Read MoreRight, now that I got your attention we can get directly into the heart of the matter. Each of us, when practicing yoga, perceives its benefits at various levels: physical, psychological, spiritual, cosmic! But what happens in practitioners' brains? Are there any differences? Well, neuroscientific research says yes: there are brain regions that show a higher volume among people who engage in this discipline.
Read MoreYes. I simply had to listen. I'm kidding, it wasn't easy at all. In the meantime, because I had to find the courage to ask myself the question 'is this really how I want to spend my life?', but then when I did, the answer was simple. Honestly... nope.
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