I'd like to begin this editorial by saying that I am not trying to depress you, though I hope that sooner or later Italians will smarten up and understand the mistake of having given away our freedom and above all they will do everything possible to reclaim it.
You could write pages about the sudden dementia that caught the Italians but I'd rather focus on a few points.
1. For your and their own health "they" say that we are not allowed to visit sick relatives and loved one in the hospital. If once, hospitals were places of oblivion made more bearable by relatives pressing doctors and nurses trying to get information about their loved ones, now they are places where if you're healthy you risk losing it instantly.
2. Again for your and their own health, if you have a relative in a care home, please be aware that they've been parked on their own for over a year and a half without being able to enjoy none of the few pleasant moments of life in a retirement home that is hugging and seeing loved ones.
3. If you have children, be aware that they have suffered indelible psychological damage and if you notice that they're a little aggressive it is not because they are bad but because you have accepted the unacceptable for more than a year.
4. If you have any commercial activity and have not given up everything yet, you are a hero because for over 18 months "they" have been doing the impossible to make you close down...
This mockery must end immediately and not in a month or two.