The King is Naked

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Despite the media terrorism continuing undeterred its fuss on the great dangers of one of the many possible variants, there are those who, fortunately, still equipped with neurons not totally dormant, are beginning to doubt the pandemic narrative.

The issue is complex because those who have been fooled by the terrorist nonsense and accepted the crazy restrictions for themselves and their children and playing the role of the informer and janitor, now struggle to doubt and admit, first of all to themself, that it is simple terrorist propaganda with the sole purpose of controlling and digital resetting everything. Especially those who feel politically left-wing are lost because they mistakenly imagine that those who have had enough are only on the other side. Several political activists' friends are afraid to say what they think as they fear being accused of having become right-wingers.

I honestly do not feel represented by any political party, but now is the time to unite and not to divide. Our freedom is risking a very serious danger, comparable to medieval obscurantism, under the pressure of the new Church or the "false science". My dear friends, this is not about being left-wing or right-wing. The King has been naked for a long time and not to admit this fact to oneself is simply to persevere in ignorance and mistake. Basic freedom is at stake here. The freedom to choose one's own health and future freedom.

We must not back down now, whatever your political beliefs are, do not be distracted by this bullshit. The obscurantist offensive is massively supported by the press and by the large social multinationals with their plastic and vacuum packed "influencer" underdogs. Those who see the King clearly naked and who decide to oppose the mass illusionism that declares him dressed up in spite of the evidence, will be the little seeds for a new renaissance.


alessandra quattordio