However, it remains in our memory as a beautiful experience: moving through the tunnels, finding a way to enter and descend into very narrow holes, perceiving the underground flow of water, being in a sort of underground cathedral without being able to see its contours.
Read MoreIn the historical period in which we live, the so-called celebrities of entertainment and sport, with very few exceptions such as the immense Djokovic, are nothing more than sad regime jesters.
Read MoreAnyone who has lived "awake" for the past four years is fully aware of what has happened and is still happening and consequently of the endless lies that have been told and digested by a population of "undead".
Read MoreSpeaking clearly, the need to be the center of attention, to be seen by others, is one of the most serious social diseases and involves everyone.
Read MorePsychoanalytic therapy is enormously successful because it partly fills the void left by the total lack of ties of contemporary beings. The ridiculous idea of sponsored freedom today is rooted in the idea of being able to free oneself from the need of the other.
Read MoreThe individual who forgets his inner self, and pursues rationality, is distinguished by his inauthenticity. The thought action is always inauthentic. Any movement (but it also applies to the intellect) that one learns and "thinks", is inauthentic, that is, fragmented and inelegant, as if it were always out of context.
Read MoreIt would be nice to quantify the number of hours lost around food: useless chatter; Television; nutrition experts (among yoga practitioners the latter are teeming); "ethical" speeches that verge on the ridiculous, with new tribes that see themselves as part of something because they choose to eat one thing rather than another; passing trends.
Read MoreWhat can Lao-Tzu mean in this enigmatic and magnificent aphorism? In Taoism, not acting does not have the same meaning that we find in yogic (Vedic) philosophy, which is more literal for the latter. The Taoist non-action is the action in tune with the Wu-Wei, that is, the spontaneous and natural action.
Read MoreA contemporary young person might think that the current Olympics are a sporting event and not an entertainment show and an indoctrination as they have actually become. A sort of Sanremo festival.
Read MoreThe Olympics, even more than any other sporting event, should be a celebration of sporting values. These values should transcend wars and fads of the moment. They should be a celebration of virtues (a word that derives from "virtus" or virility) or courage, pride, a sense of belonging, beauty and honor, which net of healthy competitiveness, should concern the winners as well as the losers.
Read MoreThe Bhagavad Gita, like many ancient religious texts, is a source of remarkable insights that must be reviewed with the sensitivity of a matured conscience and a changed linguistic figure. What follows is an interpretation of one of the most remarkable verses of the text.
Read MoreAs I watch educated writers speak, I notice that more and more often they have planned speeches that I am unable to ignore. When a question or something comes up that is out of what they expect, they always respond with the "drivel" prepared totally out of context.
Read MoreI realize with amazement how difficult it is for people to be silent. We live in an era characterized by horizontal or superficial hyper-communication, where there is no time (silence) to deepen anything.
Read MoreThis aggressive religion called science is moving further and further away from empiricism and into mere rationalism. Its increasingly forceful priests ask the empire's subjects to kneel before their dogmas.
Read MoreI believe in the exclusivity of important feelings such as love and friendship. I am convinced that those who say they love everyone, the famous inclusives, have never really loved anyone and have no idea of the depth of some feelings.
Read MoreLightness is undoubtedly one of the many qualities lost in our time, which I call "posthuman". They are all serious, sullen, unable to express themselves with irony or to know how to grasp it. If you smile and express a sense of lightness with your being, you are looked upon by the "undead" with suspicion.
Read MoreI've come to the realization that people find it difficult to keep up with change. I happen to come across people not so young anymore who have remained where they were ten years ago and much younger people who do not have the ability to understand the "now".
Read MoreI imagine what we are as a mixture of a past heritage: our ancestors, cultural and racial family heritage; and what we then absorb after birth is obviously strongly influenced by the choices we make. The whole thing held together by a magical aura that perhaps could be defined as soul.
Read MoreI imagine what we are as a mixture of a past heritage: our ancestors, cultural and racial family heritage; and what we then absorb after birth is obviously strongly influenced by the choices we make. The whole thing held together by a magical aura that perhaps could be defined as soul.
Read MoreBeing spontaneous is increasingly mistaken with being at the mercy of one's own biological machine, i.e. obeying, without autonomous consciousness, to demands induced on minds/bodies tamed by advertising and mass manipulation.
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