Honoring Renato Moicano

Honoring Renato Moicano

In the historical period in which we live, the so-called celebrities of entertainment and sport, with very few exceptions such as the immense Djokovic, are nothing more than sad regime jesters. 

On Saturday, however, something amazing happened. Renato Moicano, fighting in the UFC (MMA), where he totally defeated his opponent , in the ritual post-fight interview, begins to rail against globalism, against Macron, guilty of not doing the interest of his people, but of being a simple servant of stronger powers (the match took place in Paris). Finally, he affirms what everyone knows but almost no one dares to say, namely that democracy is a farce. 

The interviewer, clearly at unease, tried to bring him back on the standard "commentary", the translator didn't even translate it, people applauded. 

The hope is that Men will return to put their lives at risk in the golden cage made of comfort to fight an unnatural and inhuman drift. Today it is necessary to have the courage to go against what seems to be one's own interests, money and comforts, to reaffirm deeper values that belong to our true essence. Those who do so must be supported and remembered.
