Yoga 4 Money
Of course, poverty is rather an illness than bad luck, for which you are responsible in the first place and that surely you must cure.
The topic is never discussed much during Yoga workshops although the money inflow and outflow is as much a crucial aspect of living well and in harmony as the study of Patanjali’s Sutra, of Gita and of the good energy flow through Mudra and Pranayama.
True, money doesn’t bring happiness but it helps. In these very odd times, there’s a toxic relationship with money. On one hand, it seems it’s never enough, yet when it is (enough) it is squandered on unnecessary stuff and when there’s lack of it, we blame it on fate, on our employer or on the government. Of course, poverty is rather an illness than bad luck, for which you are responsible in the first place and that surely you must cure.
If, to get better, you wait for the help from the bank, the government or any other outside resource, then you’re destined to stay poor, even worse, you’re destined to tag along , hoping you’ll get some leftover. To get out of this illness you can begin by believing and investing in yourself, take some risks and above all take responsibility for your life.