Ground Zero Italy
What I wonder is if, at some point, there is really a difference between the Italian system and the various mafias that the system should fight.
The question I ask my self is not so much if there is going to be a total collapse of the Italian system rather when and what there will be left. Italy is doomed. Smothered by a system of welfare, by small and great privileges that no one wants to give up and whose maintenance suffocates the few who do something "productive" and create wealth.
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The Time… and the darned pill!
I’ve always wondered whether time for the prisoner runs equally as for the guy who’s having a pleasant evening with friends.
I’m quite sure that “time” is still one of the most inscrutable amongst all dimensions. Without something defining it, it simply wouldn’t exist.
Also, and regardless of the Swiss and theirs infallible clocks, time seems to run subjectively rather than by the dial.
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Chaos Agent
Even human relations and relationships are now “lived” predominantly behind a protective screen, with people forgetting that this screen "protects" from life and diminishes everything.
Honestly, while trying not to say things just to provoke, I think perfect balance lies on chaos borders’. That elusive space of electric and electrifying quiet, in which there is no crystallization nor stagnation and at the same time, it is not right in the middle of the storm.
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If I’d ever met a genie
As a forty-something (better to keep it vague) I’d love to attend school 5 hours every day, go home, find te table already set, have lunch and then go back to my studying to learn new things.
For sure, I would not ask for material possessions, I already own too many things, which I have slowly began to get rid of, it’s my way of working intimately on myself.
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Instagram Yoga 2 - The Elucidation
During the teacher trainings, I notice people who are reluctant to hard work and can’t wait to learn complex asanas just to show off and feel cool.
As last week’s post gathered quite a bit of interest, I’d like to clarify a few things because, from some of the replies I received, I think it was partly misinterpreted. I only have admiration for those who use Instagram in a professional way.
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Sense of belonging
I truly believe that a butterfly’s flying is billions times more extraordinary than any missile achievement we ever invented.
It seems that one of the deepest and most profound longing of the human being is to belong. As undoubtedly “social” beings, we almost desperately create and figure ways so as to feel that we are part of something, which we are, indeed, whether we want it or not … The point is that we are also a fearful sort of beings, prone to cowardice, thus rather than deeply and sometimes painfully feel our nature, we resort to surrogates meant to smoothen, dilute and avoid the discomfort, but that unfortunately and inevitably turn-up to be worse and more disastrous than not.
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Instagram Yoga
Sadly it’s the same old story, we need to “be seen” and tell ourselves we mean something to people.
As well as the two Yoga mainstream threads typical of the western society, another one has been recently taking over like a storm. Twenty years ago, Yoga was a discipline/art practiced by few individuals who mainly loved its spiritual, religious and/or meditative aspects.
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Beyond the mat
THANKS to my school that makes me grow, mature, know and leave the "boundaries" of a practice that too often is limited to the edges of a mat.
Marco was clear from the first day, no yoga class during the detox. First thought ? What a shame! Practicing with Marco is always an experience. Second thought? Whatever! I still do yoga every day.
Then the detox begins ...
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