The intent is clear. Standardize people by making them read the same news with identical "edits", make them eat the same food, watch the same movies and television formats, listen to the same "music", stuff it with rainbow globalist slogans that tame minds to the point of convincing them even of the absurd or that we are all equal without differences of sex, race, culture. The end product must be consumers and not individuals, all willing to buy the same products eliminating at the base any legitimate conflict and forcing them to live in a flat misery without real emotions.
Today's insistence on wearing unnecessary (from a health perspective) facial masks is not an absurdity but a further step towards depersonalization, thus hiding the facial mimicry that expresses emotions and the basis of empathy between human beings.
Diversity, borders, memberships are not "the problem" but are a wealth that must be cultivated. The other, the diverse, is not necessarily an enemy, but it is an inestimable wealth that in its diversity allows us to cultivate our individuality to be experienced in the magic of the relationship from which feelings such as love and hate, attraction and repulsion that are neither right nor wrong but are life.