"The kingdom of Heaven is already on Earth" - Marco M.
The kingdom of Heaven is already on Earth
"I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven."
Matthew 16: 19
This verse of the Gospel according to Matthew clarifies a fundamental point by inserting Christianity or, rather, a small part of it that is the only one that interests me, within the great mystical movements.
The kingdom of Heaven is already on Earth. It is not a place separated in time and space but is within the infinite present. He who understands the vastness of his heart and the infinity that we carry within us, and of which we are a part, is already in the Kingdom of Heaven even though he belongs to the Earth and vice versa.
Those who are convinced that things are going badly here, but in another place and in another space-time they will be better, do nothing but prolong their suffering by becoming their own tormentors.
The keys of the Kingdom have been given to us and are beyond the clouds of the mind and what is here is also there because there is no other here than there.