That Religion called Science

Within Science, as well as in Christianity and any other religion, followers should have the right to follow their dogmas and beliefs without being a nuisance to others. Those who believe in other churches should have the same rights and duties and still be free to follow their beliefs without being discriminated against. It should be a trivial request, of common sense, a simple rule at the base of coexistence.

But no, these priests in white overcoats, just like the medieval inquisitors, would like to silence, imprison and prosecute anyone who does not see reality with their own eyes. Obviously, just as in the darkest times of human consciousness, they have intertwined their interests with those of political power. The blaring propaganda of the "Church/Science" has convinced atrophied minds, who have stopped thinking and dreaming, that their theses are not just theories of an interpretation of reality, but reality itself. Its miraculous concoctions are taken and injected into dormant masses, now reduced to lab guinea pigs, its theories become indisputable laws, even when ridiculously in antithesis with reality . The time we are living in is truly amazing!  


alessandra quattordio