Destroy the moderate in you

The moderate is the product and nourishment of a society devoted to flattening.

The moderate "pulls ahead" but does not "live".

The moderate does not stand up, he levels himself.

The moderate accepts the most absurd laws with the excuse "I can't do anything about it".

The moderate needs to "appear".

The moderate lives his emotional sphere in virtuality and not in the real world.

The moderate is that small part that you carry inside that sets aside excuses for not "doing" or for procrastinating to a tomorrow (when you will be ready). A tomorrow that never comes.

The moderate does not accept challenges because "he is not bothered".

The moderate is the one who gives up when he is tired.

Moderate asks for a "small" beer

The moderate follows the flock, constantly homologated to the single thought.

The moderate gives up an excursion if it rains or is cold.

The moderate has no rituals but only habits.

The moderate cannot stand silence.

For the moderate, the responsibility is always with something or someone else.

The moderate is convinced that he has his own thoughts and ideas. Obviously this is not the case.

The moderate raises his voice only when protected from the flock. With the powerful it is servile.

The moderate likes to call himself a "wild madman."

The smile of the moderate is hopelessly false.

The moderate does not allow you to say phrases like "I love you" or "I hate you" to your face.

The moderate does not invest in himself, he waits for better times.

The moderate needs constant entertainment.

The moderate is never genuinely kind because he is dominated by hysteria

The moderate, in the "pandemic" period, greets himself with the horrible elbow blow instead of the handshake or hug.

The moderate is the "hero" of the "equal" world of leveling, denunciation, complaint and de-responsibility.

We all have "inside" a small moderate inferior. He takes advantage of the moments of weakness to come out. For some, being a Moderate is the norm. If you are among them do not worry, if you really want it you can heal.

However, it is a personal responsibility to do everything possible to annihilate it daily until it disappears from one's existential horizon!


alessandra quattordio