Anti method
Anything we may classify as “real”, more often than not it’s simply the idea that’s been best advertised.
I take inspiration from a great science philosophy book written by Paul Karl Feyerabend (who I believe to be one of the brightest mind in the world) to write a couple of things about learning methods. Science studies, analyses and “understands” reality by separating one event/element from another. Said method totally fakes reality making it the shadow of itself.
I appreciate that if we didn’t use this method, it would be impossible to write books and talk scientifically about things. I honestly think that even our language is inadequate to describe a complex reality. Quoting Feyerabend, Whatever we may classify as “real”, more often than not it’s simply the idea that’s been best advertised. So, how can we approach reality? The answer is simple: exclusively through direct experience. Throw away your books (unless they’re either poetry or novels), do not waste your time on theories based on nothing, stop believing in dr X, guru Y or scientist Z, beware of what you find on google or Wikipedia, they’re only lifeless words .
Believe and trust yourself more, base your knowledge only of what you experience first-hand, what is true and real, in your life, is only what you have seen with your eyes and heard with your ears. The rest is bullshit.