Black Swans
It looks like ignorance is far more contagious than its opposite sister is.
What’s happening is quite clear: sensibility, intelligence, compassion etc have shrunk to the limit. Is mankind regressing? I don’t know, although I am not sure things were better or worse in other times. It’s just that nowadays, with digital sociality, the sad regression is far more visible and viral.
It looks like ignorance is far more contagious than its opposite sister is. My dear friend Alessandra, who inspired me to write this post, hopes that the black swans will prevail in spite of everything.
I too have a message of hope. Not because I believe that human race will come out of ignorance en masse, which is something I have learned not to hope for anymore, but because the black swans will always win as long as they remain so and do not allow themselves to be infected. How? It’s simple. The life of the black swan is infinitely more pleasant, more exciting, more worth living. It is simply "more" or "life". Whatever happens it’s better to live as a black swan. Never mind if you are not contagious. In the end the important thing is not to feel alienated or misunderstood and to know that, although they may be few, black swans do exist and being and proudly remaining a black swan is in itself a victory.